

Hello!  I’m Cassie Kimball, like you I wear many hats each day.  I’m a proud mother of 4 ranging from young adults to tween, wife to my bestie, travel agent, home organizing ninja and whatever other hat life throws at me!

I graduated from Utah State University in the beautiful valley we like to call “God’s Country”, but you might know it as Cache Valley, Utah.  I studied Family Human Development and had hopes of going on to getting a masters in Marriage and Family Therapy.  But God had other plans for me.  

Instead of taking my studies to help parents and families become more united, I expanded my horizons with three of my four kiddos being neuro-divergent and learned new ways to teach, listen and grow myself.  

Life has been good and challenging all at the same time.  I have come to realize it is through those challenges that we truly grow and find joy.  Yes I said joy in challenges.  It truly can happen when we have the right focus and remember who is at the helm of it all.  

Through our life experiences I have found myself constantly striving to find the good and see the Lord’s hand in my everyday life.  Seeing those small blessings has helped me to get through four rounds of postpartum, several moves, my daughters Asperger’s, my kids anxiety, my husband being laid off at Christmas time and so much more.  

I recently heard a quote from Russell M Nelson, President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, he said “...obtaining an education and knowledge are a religious responsibility.  We educate our minds so that one day we can render service of worth to somebody else.” 

This hit me hard.  I realized I have been blessed with a bachelor’s degree and unique life experiences that I can offer as help and service to others.  I started percolating on what that means and how someone ordinary like me can help.

The truth is ordinary people can do extraordinary things. It is with that hope that I am beginning this journey with this beautiful website I have created, Rememberly Lane.

I hope here to bring some peace to your heart.  To help you know that your struggles and trials in parenting and running a home are not going to be the end of you.  That you are exactly the parent your children need.  I hope you can find the perfect outfit to help yourself feel as beautiful as you truly are.  I hope you can find clarity in my upcoming menu planning, daily planning and financial planning systems.  I’m so excited to share all my favorite things from ways to talk to your teens to planners to clothing and travel.  

Thank you for joining and following along.  Welcome to Rememberly Lane.


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